Cold pressed hemp oil
Cold pressed hemp oil obtained from hemp seeds.
Appearance: light or dark green liquid, with an odor characteristic of oils.
The benefits and harms of hemp oil are constantly being studied, and according to scientists, the beneficial properties significantly outweigh the disadvantages most often caused by personal intolerance. The oil does not contain narcotic components, but only a complete set of necessary elements to support the entire body. It is noted that there is nothing better than taking hemp oil internally for various diseases, even for pregnant and lactating women.
Hemp seed oil contains the following components:
- vitamins A, groups B, D, E minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, sulfur) acids (palmitic, oleic, stearic, linolenic, linoleic)
Hemp oil is widely used in Ukraine due to its affordable price and the following medicinal qualities:
- antioxidant anti-inflammatory painkiller wound healing
Hemp oil can be purchased for the preparation of such cosmetics as shampoos and balms for dry hair (10-30%), creams and masks for aging, dehydrated skin, for sunscreen cosmetics, for lip balms (5-30%), and for soap (10-20)%.