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Salicylic acid (pharm)

Article: 2579-1186
Short description

Салициловая кислота - практически традиционное средство для лечения проблемной кожи. Она обладает противоспалительным, слабым антибактериальным и комедонолитическим эффектом, проникает глубоко в поры и оздоравливает их. В косметике используется в качестве антисептика, консерванта.

Article: 2579-1186
36 грн
Short description

Салициловая кислота - практически традиционное средство для лечения проблемной кожи. Она обладает противоспалительным, слабым антибактериальным и комедонолитическим эффектом, проникает глубоко в поры и оздоравливает их. В косметике используется в качестве антисептика, консерванта.

Article: 2579-1186
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SALICYLIC ACID - colorless crystals belonging to beta-hydroxy acids, which differ from alpha hydroxy acids in the location of the hydroxyl group. Easily soluble in ethanol and ether, less soluble in water, slightly soluble in carbon disulfide. It dissolves well in boiling water, in alcohol, in the oil phase of the cream (melt the oils with an emulsifier in a water bath, dissolve salicylic acid) and using Polysorbate 20, 60 or 80 (heat in a water bath and dissolve salicylic acid in it, then mix with water). Intermediate in the synthesis of dyes, aromatic substances, fungicides. In cosmetics it is used as an antiseptic, preservative, keratolytic component in skin care products, acne products, and also as a brightener in whitening preparations.
Many people are familiar with such a remedy as salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is an almost traditional remedy for treating problem skin. It has an anti-inflammatory, weak antibacterial and comedolytic effect, penetrates deep into the pores and heals them.

Application in cosmetics:
-Salicylic acid has an exfoliating effect, softening the top layer of skin and plugs in the follicles, and prevents the formation of comedones.
-Has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.
-Has an exfoliating, antiseptic, keratolytic and antiseborrheic effect, normalizes skin acidity, opens pores.
-It has a very positive effect on oily skin, prevents the appearance of pustules and is included in creams for the treatment of skin diseases such as acne and psoriasis.
-Often used in combination with fruit acids to enhance skin exfoliation.
-Has antioxidant properties, also used against dandruff and to cleanse the scalp.
-Reduces the number of acne and prevents their appearance, promotes whitening.

Salicylic acid is used in dermatology to treat acne and infectious skin diseases (it has antiseptic, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects). It is most widely used for the care of oily skin, because... this acid is fat-soluble and its bioavailability in this case increases. This property allows salicylic acid to penetrate the pores through the sebum and exfoliate the cells that have accumulated inside the sebaceous glands and clog the pores. Therefore, the use of salicylic acid to combat blackheads is effective. In addition, thanks to this penetration, salicylic acid is often used in cosmetics as a transdermal carrier, enhancing the penetration of certain substances (for example, vitamin A), which allows increasing the effectiveness of the product with a minimum amount of this component.
In high concentrations, it has a keratolytic effect (looses and rejects the epidermis, i.e. serves as a good exfoliant for keratinized areas of the skin, such as calluses, warts and corns). In low concentrations it helps suppress the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands.
Helps increase skin permeability to other components.
Used as a light preservative. An important feature is that salicylic acid works even in highly acidic environments; it is especially effective against fungi at pH = 4 and below. The optimal pH for this acid to work is = 3 at a concentration in the product of 0.5-2%.

Dosage: in face creams up to 2%, in ointments with keratolytic effect up to 10%.

Contraindications and precautions:
Hypersensitivity, renal failure, infancy.
Salicylic acid is toxic in large doses. Pregnant women are advised not to consume foods containing salicylates due to an increased risk of developing Reye's syndrome. During pregnancy, the use of the drug for the treatment of calluses and calluses is permissible only on a limited surface (no more than 5 ml). Do not apply the drug to birthmarks, hairy warts, warts in the genital area or face.
Treatment with drugs containing salicylic acid should not be carried out continuously, but in courses, with breaks of at least a month.

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Мария Ритченко
Спасибо за товар, все соответствует описанию. Заказ обслужен быстро и качественно.
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