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Firming alginate mask made from spirulina

Article: 3197-1941
Article: 3197-1941
43 грн
Article: 3197-1941
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INCI: Lithothamnium Calcareum powder, Laminaria Digitata powder, Spirulina Platensis powder, Equisetum Arvence extract, hydrolysed East.

Ingredients: lithothamnia algae powder, kelp and spirulina, horsetail extract, yeast hydrolysate.

Appearance: white-green powder with a characteristic marine odor. Upon contact with water it turns bright green and does not plasticize.

pH: 7.03

Scope of application: cosmetics for body and face skin care; as an anti-cellulite wrap, face mask, powder filler for pastes, masks, scrubs and peels.

Dosage: up to 50%

To use as a mask: dilute the required amount of powder with water in a ratio of 1:1, apply for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Prevent drying out.

Storage conditions: in a tightly closed container, out of direct light.

Manufacturer: France (Agrimer)

Agrimer tightening mask is a mixture of micronized algae and dry extracts, designed to intensively restore skin tone, improve its regeneration processes, enhance lipolysis in subcutaneous fat with lymphatic drainage and anti-inflammatory effects.
Calcified particles of the red coral-like algae Lithotamnia gently exfoliate the old epidermis, polish the skin, absorbing toxic substances from its surface due to its high porosity.

All three algae are rich in minerals, valuable lipids, proteins and amino acids, polysaccharides, and vitamins.
Laminaria is a record holder for iodine content, contains alginic acids-moisturizers and the substance laminarin, which promotes weight loss. Lithothamnia algae consists of 34% organic calcium, 32 rare microelements were found in it, including selenium, zinc, cobalt, copper, chromium. Both algae are typical of the French coast of Brittany.
Freshwater spirulina is valued for its high amount of protein and rare amino acids in its composition, which totals up to 70% of the dry weight, and is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc . Antioxidant pigments in spirulina - carotenoids, xanthines, chlorophyll, phycocyanin - give the algae a rich green color.

Yeast hydrolyzate enriches this composition with B vitamins, peptides, essential amino acids, and together with horsetail extract, enhances the detox effect of the mask, removes pastiness and swelling of the skin.

The mask is used as a home thalasso-therapeutic spa procedure to tighten the skin, prevent and eliminate cellulite, activate energy exchange and eliminate stagnation in tissues.

The diluted mask can be applied to the whole body, to the face or locally to problem areas.

In order to get a thick paste that will not flow, you need to dilute the powder with water in a 1:1 ratio by weight. If it turns out too thick or when the mask needs to be applied to a large area of ??the body, add water dropwise to the desired consistency.
For the face, 5 g of the prepared mixture will be enough, which should be held for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Since this mixture contains large amounts of mineral salts, to avoid the drying effect, you can add 1-2% glycerin and/or wrap the surface of the skin with the mask in cling film.

The mask will also promote rapid healing of wounds and small cracks.

The powder in dry form can be added to a ready-made gel, scrub, or washing base.

The mask should not be used by persons with hyperthyroidism and an allergy to one of the components of the mixture.

Не вводьте людей в оману! Насправді ці маски це Альгі, а не Альгінатна. Альгі-водорості, альгінатні - ті що застигають через альгінат натрію.
Дополнение к предыдущему отзыву.
Моя ошибка, что не прочитала состав.
Маска сама по себе хорошая, а магазин работает хорошо, быстро.
Маска не альгинатная.
113 гривен за 100 грамм глины со спирулиной, когда обычная зелёная глина 20-30 гривен за 100 грамм. Прекрасно знаю о том какой должна быть альгинатная маска.
Больше заказывать у вас не буду.
Это не альгинатная маска,я наложила клиентке как альгинатную,получился конфуз.
Теперь сижу без альгинатки,не могу делать чистки,жду вторую посылку с другого сайта :(
Изените название маски. Это не альгинатная маска , зачем вы путаете людей. Это обычная маска из глины и, надеюсь все же, спирулины. Маска не плохая, но это НЕ АЛЬГИНАТНАЯ маска.
Это не альгинатная маска. это обыкновенная глина. очень разочарована
Согласна с предведущим отзывом!Больше на глину похожа, как я не старалась она только водой смывается.Мне не понравилась есть гораздо лучше!
Эффект лифтинга есть, такой же как и от цветной косметической глины. Я не сказала бы, что это маска-пленка, потому, что крошится и смывается тоже как глина.
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